Identifying Kids Strengths for High School
As a teacher and a mum, I want all of our kids to feel confident, capable and inspired when heading into high school. Identifying kids strengths for high school is one of the important areas we cover in the Cue-7 Workshops. I start each workshop with two tasks; firstly, Who am I? and secondly, What are your Strengths?
Both of these tasks come before activities in the workshop aroundhomework planning, social media management and friendships for example. Strengths come in a few different areas – character strengths, skill-set strengths and even mental strengths. I read a beautiful quote yesterday which said:

In light of this quote, courage can be a subtle quality. It can be a strength our kids possess but they might not have identified it or named it yet. Other qualities our kids should value in themselves include patience, kindness, being positive, having the courage to speak up, respectful of others, compassion, hard working.
VIA Strengths
In contemplating my own kids strengths, many years ago I sat my kids down to complete the VIA character strengths test (I think my son was too young at the time, however he is in year 6 this year, so it is on my to do list!). It was such an interesting look at where some of the interpersonal (communication between 2 or more people), intrapersonal (the relationship you have with yourself) and even intellectual strengths lay in my kids.
From this, I’ve simplified the exploration around one’s strengths for kids doing the Cue-7 Workshop online. It allows them to give some thought to their values and character plus what their strengths are and how to nurture those strengths.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Tips from Raising Children’s Network
With kids understanding who they are more clearly, it can help build their confidence. I love what the Raising Children Network share about confidence in teenagers:
‘Confidence helps teenagers make safe, informed decisions. Confident teenagers can avoid people and situations that aren’t necessarily right for them, and find those that are. If your child is confident, he’s also more likely to be assertive, positive, engaged, enthusiastic and persistent’.
They suggest some key steps to help build your teens confidence too;
1. Be practical – to help nurture and build strengths
2. Give your child opportunities to try new things
3. Encourage your child to keep trying
4. Model confidence in your own ability
5. Encourage your child to act confident
6. Practise social skills
7. Praise their efforts
Cue-7 Workshops
Following these tips, not only can parents help build confidence in their kids, but kids can actively contemplate their values and current strengths to help nurture these qualities and skills in themselves. My aim in the workshop is to give kids a chance to identify themselves and feel positive about who are they are, before heading into year 7.
If you would like your child to do an online workshop, have a look at the 3 packages we have available. They consist of 2-3 minute videos with guidance from myself, a teacher, talking about each task. They also hear from students just like them, providing tips and advice about high school. Each child does the workshop in their own time, any time.
If you would like to hear about our next free webinar for parents, email with free webinar in the subject line.